Gilles Babinet is a French multi-entrepreneur, born in 1967 in Paris. He represents France in the Digital Champions group built by the European Union since 2013. He is also co-President of the Conseil National du Numérique, a body advising the French Government on digital matters.
After passing his baccalaureate as a free candidate, he founded numerous companies in fields as diverse as consulting (Absolut), construction (Escalade Industrie), mobile music (Musiwave, sold for €139 million), co-creation (Eyeka, whose co-creator community is the largest in the world with 540,000 members), decision-making tools (CaptainDash)... Since then, Gilles Babinet has helped many startups to develop.
In April 2011, Gilles Babinet was elected the first President of the Conseil national du numérique. After a 14-month mandate, he is appointed Digital Champion by the French Minister for Digital Affairs, Fleur Pellerin. In this position, he represents France's digital challenges to the European Commission. He will return to the Conseil national du numérique in September 2018 as Vice-President and is again elected Co-President in 2021.
Gilles Babinet also collaborates with the Institut Montaigne on various projects related to competitiveness and digital technology. He writes in various newspapers on these themes and teaches in various schools in France (Sciences Po Paris, INSP, HEC in particular) and abroad (UM6P in particular) for which he offers training in digital transformation. Each year, he participates in the eCAC40 barometer of digital agility of CAC40 companies. He also sits on the board of EY from 2013 to June 2019 as well as on the board of the EDF foundation and also advises several Fortune 500 CEOs.
Finally, Gilles Babinet has published several books, including Transformation digitale; l'avènement des plateformes. Histoires de licornes, de données et de nouveaux Barbares (2016) in which he discusses the challenges of operating the most successful startups and digital transformation models for traditional companies, and Refondre les politiques publiques avec le numérique (2020).
Digital expert @ Institut Montaigne
Gilles Babinet is an expert on digital issues for Institut Montaigne. He is a digital entrepreneur and has co-chaired multiple taskforces, such as "Connection Higher Education & Digital" or "Big Data & Connected Objects/ Making France Champion of the Digital Revolution." He is also the author of the study "For a digital new deal". Most of Gilles’ work are tied to competitiveness and digital policies.
Online courses
Author and Producer
Based on years of reflexion and 18 months of production, Gilles Babinet has built an online course about digital transformation and public policies. This course about Digital transformation of territorial administration offers the opportunity to widely rethink public policies while increasing their efficiency and inclusiveness. This eight-hour Mooc aims to enable elected representatives and territorial officials to master the essential technical principles, management models, issues and processes of transformation and implementation.
Gilles is a teacher at the Paris Institute of Political Studies Sciences Po Paris. He teaches digital and public policies.
Digital rating & benchmark
Gilles has developed several methodologies to assess the level of digitalisation of French and international companies. He is the founder of the e-CAC, a ranking or the CAC40 companies published every year with the French Economic newspaper Les Echos. Gilles has also worked on assessing midsize and large size international companies, allowing to evaluate the level of advancement in their transformation. His methodology ranks companies based on 5 main criterias: 1/ People and governance 2/ Ecosystems, partnerships and business models 3/ Technology 4/ UI, UX and business models 5/ Cybersecurity and resilience